Not Just For Mountains! 14 Every Day Uses for Hiking Boots

Not Just For Mountains! 14 Every Day Uses for Hiking Boots

Just bought yourself a new pair of hiking boots, or have had a pair sitting in the back of your cupboard since that hike you did 2 years ago? It´s time to put that purchase to use!

A good pair of hiking boots can be the ultimate go-to footwear!

Hiking boots are lighter, stronger, and more fashionable than ever! More and more people are flocking to outdoor stores to buy themselves a pair. Sometimes it’s not always for the purpose for which they were designed! 


14 Ways To Use Your Hiking Boots Everyday

Hiking Boots For Cycling

Cycling shoes are specifically designed for cycling but are usually useless for anything else! 

For those new to cycling, commuters, or anyone who just wants to go for a simple bike ride, a pair of hiking boots could be the answer.

Hiking boots are rough, rugged, and with stiff, grippy soles making them great for cycling. They are also perfect when you have to walk your bike up muddy hills or push your bike home when you get a puncture.

Other features that make hiking boots great for cycling are:

1. Waterproofing

Nobody likes wet feet! Modern hiking boots are waterproof, which is perfect for soggy commutes to and from work, occasional downpours whilst out riding and riding through muddy puddles at maximum speed just for fun.

2. Thick soles

Thick stiff soles mean that the rider’s foot does not flex around the pedal whilst pushing down. This puts more power through each pedal stroke and can stop some foot pain on longer rides.

3. Grippy tread

The grippy tread gives a great connection with the pedal, reducing the likelihood of the foot slipping off in muddy conditions. Anyone who has had a pedal to their shin will tell you the importance of this!

4. Robust material

Unlike a pair of light running trainers, hiking boots are made of tough stuff. They are designed to be put through some rough conditions but still offer flexibility and breathability. With extra stitching and thicker materials, they will easily cope with the rigors of cycling both on and offroad.



Hiking Boots For Hunting

Hunting often requires long walks through rough, uneven, and sometimes boggy terrain. which is exactly what hiking boots are designed for.

Hunting boots are essentially hiking boots with a few added features such as camouflage material and a much higher ankle collar. These features make hunting boots a little heavier but offer more leg protection when the hunter has to leave the trail to stalk or collect their prey.

For those new to hunting, a pair of hiking boots would be the perfect footwear to bring along before investing in some proper hunting boots.


Hiking Boots For Horse Riding

Lots of walking through fields, climbing over fences, cleaning out stables and of course riding a horse, good footwear is a must! 

Many horse riding boots are adaptations of the hiking boot. Tweaked to suit the specific needs of the sport, they tend to be a little slimmer with a less aggressive tread to fit the rider’s feet into the stirrup.

Although hiking boots are not perfect for horse riding. They are a better choice than other types of shoes, due to their comfort, durability, stability, and grip on the ground.

For those looking to try horse riding for the first time a pair of hiking boots will be sufficient for both riding the horse and spending time at the stable.





Hiking Boots For Kayaking

Carrying a heavy kayak up or down a wet embankment into the water can be a risky business. The trusty hiking boot can offer kayakers unrivaled amounts of grip and stability.

Modern hiking boots are often made of either waterproof or moisture-wicking fabrics. This allows them to dry quickly and offers more stability on uneven rocks or pebbles. They will also dry quicker than most other shoes so are ideal for multi-day trips.

For these reasons hiking boots are often the top choice of footwear for kayakers.

Not Just For The Mountains! 14 Ways To Use Your Hiking Boots Everyday

Hiking Boots For Dog Walking

Dog walkers, especially those with energetic breeds spend a lot of time on the paths of fields, forests, mountains, and riversides in every weather imaginable. These conditions are definitely not what an old worn-out pair of trainers are designed for…

A pair of hiking boots will protect dog walkers from the elements all year round. Offering unrivaled grip, both on and off the walking path. They can also stop wet feet in long grass and reduce the risk of injuries such as sprained ankles when covering uneven ground.

Using a new pair of hiking boots for dog walking is also a fantastic way to break them in! Preparing both the boots and your feet, it´s also a good way to test new socks or lacing techniques.




Hiking Boots For Snowshoeing

The best footwear for snowshoeing is an insulated pair of waterproof, winter hiking boots with a thick, stiff sole. This ensures that you are well protected from freezing conditions at all times.

For those who do not have this type of footwear available to them, or who are looking to try snowshoeing for the first time. A high-cut pair of hiking boots with some thick socks is a much better choice than athletic shoes or non-waterproofed boots.

When using hiking boots for snowshoeing, ensure that they are not rubbing on the straps of the snowshoe and that the laces are tied tight around the ankles. This will avoid snow from entering. Bringing along a pair of gaiters is also an excellent way to add protection from the snow if you do not have waterproof legwear.


Hiking Boots For Gardening

Gardeners often find themselves on rough, slippy, uneven, and sometimes wet terrain. They sometimes have to climb up on ladders or rocks with power tools or push heavy lawnmowers up and down hills. This is why you will rarely see a professional gardener without some seriously good footwear.

There are work boots on the market specifically designed for gardening with tough leather shells and steel toe caps but for basic day-to-day gardening, a pair of hiking boots will be absolutely fine.

The materials of hiking boots are designed to cope with the rough conditions that hiking the wilderness can bring. The soles are designed to offer maximum grip on a large variety of surfaces. These properties lend themselves perfectly to gardening or landscaping.



Not Just For The Mountains! 14 Ways To Use Your Hiking Boots Everyday

Hiking Boots for Fishing

River/lake embankments and rocky coastlines can often be slippery places and the best fishing spots can be fairly remote. For this reason, hiking boots are often the most popular choice for fishermen worldwide.

Fishing can involve sitting for long amounts of time whilst waiting for that fish to bite. Those in the know will tell you that this is not a nice experience with wet feet or a muddy bum from slipping over on the way to the spot.

Good hiking boots will not only keep your feet warm and comfortable. They will also keep you safe from slips and falls, which when close to rivers or cliffs can be fatal


Hiking Boots For Rock Climbing

Hiking boots are not very useful for rock climbing as their thick soles and bulky construction make it very difficult to grip the tiny holds that climbers use to scale vertical faces.

They are however very useful for walking to climbing spots. Which are often in remote, hard-to-reach areas. Climbing shoes are absolutely terrible for walking through trails and forests so climbers looking to go further from the car park must bring 2 pairs of shoes.

Often hiking boots used for this purpose are called “approach shoes”. Although specific approach shoes are available, hiking shoes can be ideal for this purpose.



Hiking Boots For Orienteering


The sport of orienteering requires you to move quickly across rough, unfamiliar terrain, often through undergrowth. This is tough on participants and their footwear!

Orienteering is usually done in a pair of trail running shoes. These are the lighter, and more flexible cousins to hiking boots. For those looking to get started in the sport or who are more interested in the experience rather than speed, the hiking boot is absolutely perfect for orienteering.

Turning up to an orienteering event in a pair of hiking boots is very normal and would not be looked down upon.




Hiking Boots For Airsoft/ Paintball

Usually, Airsoft and Paintball are played in tactical combat boots. Designed by the military for quick but safe movement across a wide variety of terrain. They are very similar to hunting boots listed above but are usually black or sand in color with steel toe caps and more ankle protection.

Hiking boots are designed to offer stability and grip on uneven and slippy terrain. They would be perfect for those looking to get started in airsoft or paintball.

The only downside is that hiking boots are often made in some pretty bright, visible colors. If you want to play, make sure to tuck your feet in whilst hiding!



Hiking Boots For Tug of War


Along with some arms and legs like tree trunks, a pair of hiking boots are perfect for a tug of war!

The Tug Of War is often played in muddy fields with little to no grip underfoot. There are specific shoes designed for tug of war but most will use a humble pair of hiking boots.

A good grip on the ground could be the difference between winning and losing the tug of war!


Hiking Boots For Bird/Wildlife Watching


Some of the most beautiful and rare animals in the world hide in some pretty hard-to-reach places. 

Birds tend to collect in marsh or swamp areas and animals often hide in the highlands or in deep wilderness. Getting the perfect photo or just a rare sighting can take a very long hike and several hours of standing waiting for that magical moment.

For such adventures, a pair of hiking boots would be a perfect choice. They not only give hikers stability and traction over rough ground. They can offer support to the back while standing and of course, keep the feet dry and comfortable.

Wildlife enthusiasts, the world over wouldn’t even think of leaving for their next adventure without their trusted hiking boots!


Hiking Boots For Everyday Use

The choice of designs, shapes, and colors of hiking boots has never been more varied. Brands such as Nike and Adidas produce some seriously fashionable outdoor footwear.

In some mountain or wilderness towns, hiking boots are an absolute everyday must-have fashion accessory and urban culture has popularised brands such as Timberland, by wearing their shoes in fashion shoots and music videos.

Whether you are headed into the mountains or just to the office it seems that these days there is no wrong place to be wearing a set of hiking boots.


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